Monday, November 3, 2008


Today was a Monday, or BLAHday as I like to refer to it sometimes. It was a pretty boring day. I went to the dentist after work - which stressed me out all afternoon because I HATE the dentist! Just going makes me sick to my stomach, and once I got there I got the even “better” news - it was x-ray day. But lucky for me they are great to me and treat me like a little kid and pull someone else in to help do the x-rays. Overall it was an okay visit, no cavities so that is all good!

After that we had a Relay For Life committee meeting that went very well in my opinion. We had 3 new committee members at our meeting!!! So that is very good and will bring new blood to this event in 2009, I can’t wait! Now I just need to get BUSY with my to do and idea list!!!

What a boring day!!!

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