Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I keep saying this but I think this time it might be true...things are starting to slow down for me. After 3 years of being VERY involved with the Jaycees and the local and state level this year I don't have alot of responsibilities. Relay for this year is over. Yea I have a few things here and there - but I have time!! And I can pick what I want to do and not to do.

Monday night I came home and Dave and I cleaned up a little, made some chicken and pasta salad for dinner, enjoyed some time outside - and had a NICE evening!

Tonight I came home - have been chatting with an old friend who I haven't talked to in YEARS. And now I am working on making pizza for dinner - it is currently in the oven. So my part is done...is this what adult life is suppose to be like? I might be able to get used to this.

I would like to start only being gone one or two nights a week.

Well I better get going, the pizza will be ready in a few and I need to get some things picked up!

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