I have been trying to get my (our) money under control for a few months. Okay more than 6. With trying to plan a wedding, Dave’s change in jobs, and a few other things I have let this get pushed to the side. It’s the little things that are killing me. I like to eat out - it’s VERY bad I know. But it’s so easy for me - stop on the way to work, run out at lunch to get a break from the office, get home late - order some pizza. This HAS to stop. I have to be accountable for my spending.
So today I went back to the Debt Proof Living website which I haven’t even looked at in MONTHS. The first post I see if about the DPL Summer Olympics. You have to start a personal financial project and complete it during the time of the Olympics. It’s a 17 day challenge - starting Friday August 8th - Sunday August 24th.
My project will be to eat out less.
Only spend $20 in 2 weeks on eating out/soda out. (I am addicted to Mickey D’s Diet Coke so I had to put a $$ amount on it. $1.07 a day adds up!)
Only eat out once for a dinner Dave or I pay for. (We are going to be going home to see the family 2 different times - if they are taking us out I am game!)
Plan out meals ahead for this time - make a list of items needed to prepare those meals and only buy what is needed at the store.
We have a good amount of things in the cabinets and freezer but have nothing in the fridge to use to make them! Milk, cheese, etc. We will get some free eggs from my parents so that will save us a little!!
Wish me luck!!