Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 11

Checking in with my Day 11 report for the 30 Days of Giving Challenge:

Found 5 items to donate to the local free store.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 10

Checking in with my Day 10 report for the 30 Days of Giving Challenge:

Donated money to the local school baseball team.

To Do 11/10

I missed yesterday, it was a busy day. I didn’t make a list but I did get a good amount of stuff done and spent some quality time with the hubby!

Another busy night, water aerobics and trying to get my hair cut if they can fit me in, so another short list.

To Do 11/10
1. 15 Minutes in the Kitchen
2. Flip Laundry
3. Put Away Clothes

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 9

Checking in with my Day 9 report for the 30 Days of Giving Challenge:

Let the hubby do what he wanted when I really wanted to do what I wanted.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 8

Checking in with my Day 8 report for the 30 Days of Giving Challenge:

Made an effort to go talk to one of the Girl Scout grandparents who had a heart attack 3 weeks ago and let her know it was good to see her out.


Are there really 24 hours in one day? That sounds like so many, I don’t think I get that many in mine. As normal I had a busy weekend and I wasn’t home for much if.

Friday night Dave and I went out to dinner, and did some shopping for a winter coat for me. We went to an Irish restaurant for dinner, and I was reminded why I don’t care for the place. It is so noisy, rather slow service, and I don’t really care for the food that much. It was nice to go out for dinner together though, so I guess I will take what I can get! The shopping trip wasn’t very productive - still no coat, and I was reminded why I hate to shop, it is so depressing!

Saturday morning was another early one. I met my GS Co-Leader and her daughter at the Middle School for the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, I have said for 5 years that I wanted to go and FINALLY made it to one. I wanted to try to support local groups since I know how hard it is to plan projects like those and not get a good turn out.

Next it was on to Sewing Clinic for the Girl Scouts, and the took the rest of the morning. We that many girls coming in and out it took us longer than we had planned, but the girls seemed to love it! We made pillowcases and each girl made one for herself and also one to donate to ConKerr Cancer - so it was a win win project.

I went home to pack to leave to go to my parents and decided that I needed to do some work around the house. Put some clothes away, cleaned out the closet floor, did some laundry, twisted my ankle, pretty productive 45 minutes! Normally I would have just pakced and left and said I would do the rest later, but I am starting to see that there isn’t really a later most of the time, and if there is there is already things filling that time!

I dropped some donations off and headed off to my parents for a weekend of shopping, visiting family, cooking, cleaning, and more cooking! It was great to see my family from Iowa and also some extended family from Ohio that I hadn’t seen in a few years. But between being so busy and the time change I was asleep by 9 PM on Sunday night, so not much got done!

Tonight I have a Girl Scout meeting, so I am going to do another short list!
10/8 To Do List -
1. Flip laundry
2. 15 minutes in the kitchen
3. Update GS info before meeting

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 7

Checking in with my Day 7 report for the 30 Days of Giving Challenge:

Made Cakeballs for my aunt. They are a pain to make, but she wanted to try them so I gave in!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 6

Checking in with my Day 6 report for the 30 Days of Giving Challenge:

Made Pillow Case for ConKerr Cancer with my Girl Scouts.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 5

Checking in with my Day 5 report for the 30 Days of Giving Challenge:

Donated trees on-line to the Ohio State Parks.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hanging On

I am hanging on to the wagon today, I don’t want to fall off, I have done good for 3 days and I need to stick with it.

Last night I almost didn’t go to water aerobics, I was in the parking lot and realized I had forgot to shave my legs. So I started to head home but decided that it wasn’t THAT bad, and I was just coming up with another excuse. So I went in, and had a great time! I am glad that I talked myself into going, I am feeling good today!

Of course, when I got home I was tired, but I did my To Do list. Yep - all 6 items! Go me!! If I won’t have had the short list and would have looked at my HUGE to do list I would have been overwhelmed and continued to sit there and watch TV, but I didn’t.

Tonight I have two meetings which means I won’t get home til 8:30, which doesn’t leave me much time. So I am going to keep my list short and simple so I can keep myself going.

1. Find earring and put them in my ears
2. 15 Minutes in the kitchen
3. Flip Laundry

Day 4

Checking in with my Day 4 report for the 30 Days of Giving Challenge:

I read about The Glisson Family's adoption. By leaving a comment, $2 will be donated to the Glisson Family to help with adoption costs.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3

Checking in with my Day 3 report for the 30 Days of Giving Challenge:

I gave some leftover candy bars I had from a fundraiser that I didn't get sold to my co-workers, it has been a rough week!

Mind Over Matter

I have heard this saying a LOT lately but this morning on the way to work it hit me for my situation. I look at the BIG picture and get overwhelmed and give up, I let my negative mind take control. If I can’t do it all and fix it I want to do nothing…and to say the least that isn’t getting me anywhere but upset. When I am upset I just want to ignore what is going on around me, which again only makes it worse.

Last night I know I had a busy evening ahead of me but I went into it with an open mind. I made a realistic plan and decided I would do my best. I went and voted - go me! I know this shouldn’t be a big deal, but normally I decide it will take to long or I won’t find a parking spot so I don’t go. I went home and flipped the laundry to check something off my to do list in the 30 minutes I had before my meeting. Then I went to the local Red Cross Club Red meeting, learned more about the group and made cards for Veteran’s. Then back home to see what all else I could get done. I looked at my list multiple times and just kept going, one thing at a time! I got 5 of the 6 items on my To Do List done last night, I was unable to put the suitcases in the car because my husband has HEAVY things in the trunk he needs to take out. I wish I could say I didn’t have to talk myself into doing those 5 things but I had to, but I DID IT! I made a list and stuck to it. Might not seem like a big deal to some people but it was to me! When I went to bed I was happy because while there was much more to do to I did get something DONE, and even a little more! If I can just keep going with this thought process I will slowly but surely get to a better plan mentally! On the way to work I was already trying to think of what was going to be on my list tonight, crazy!

I am going to start going back to water aerobics tonight and I am looking forward to that, except for the how out of shape I am going to be after 4 months of not going. I don’t know WHY but I have been making excuses not to go for the last 3 months, and I really do like going! So today is the day, I paid for the class yesterday, I have a bathing suit, and I have no plans tonight - which means I have NO excuse not to go! I know it will be worth it in the end but it is almost like the first time I went, will I know anyone, will I like the people if I don’t already know them?

To Do 11/3 Evening -
1. Get rings out and back on
2. 15 minutes in the kitchen
3. Flip Laundry - Maybe ONE day it will be done
4. Get e-mail to under 90
5. Journal ¼ of Avon Walk For Breast Cancer Book
6. Put summer clothes in a tub

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2

Checking in with my Day 2 report for the 30 Days of Giving Challenge:

Tonight I helped the local Club Red (a YP group for the Red Cross) make cards to sent to military members, families, and veterans. I made 5 cards and as a group we made about 25cards.

I also went through my clothes to find 5 winter items to donate. I am good about donating things that are out of season, but this time I wanted to find items that can be used now.

Baby Steps

I have to remind myself of this in many areas of my life, things didn’t get this way overnight and I can’t fix them overnight.

My house didn’t get messy overnight, that has been from years of me being gone for days and weeks at a time. From all of the things that I have to go along with all of my activities. From things that I thought I just had to have and had great ideas for. Now years later I am looking at them taking up space. I am slowly going through things, trying to decide what I really need to keep, and what I can part with. I can only go through a little at a time, but if I do a few each night I WILL be able to get it more organized and find what I need.

I didn’t become overweight overnight and it won’t come off that quick. I started trying to do better yesterday and I would like to say it wasn’t a good time, but really when is there a GOOD time to make a life change like that? There will always be some kind of treats that I will want, there will always be stress that I think food will help me get through, there will always be social events that involve food. So again, baby steps, moderation, do what I can each day. Plan ahead so I know options that are at least semi-healthy.

Getting caught up on my To Do List, this one seems never ending! I look at it and it overwhelms me and makes me not even want to look at it. I have tried to break it up to what is actually reasonable for a set time. Why I think I can get 12 things done in an evening AND cook dinner and get to bed early I don’t know. So tonight it’s going to be more realistic I think I am going to pick 6 things that are things that I can get done and ONLY do those things until they are done. I have a habit of finding other things that I decide I need to do and those get done but nothing the things on my list.

To Do List for 11/2 Evening -
1.Mail Card
2.Box up things to be shred and take to basement
3.Empty Suitcase
4.Put both suitcases in trunk of Car
5.Go through clothes and find at least 5 things to donate
6.Flip laundry

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 1

I saw this Challenge posted on a blog one day last week and thought it looked interesting, but didn’t really look more into it….until today. It’s the 30 Day Giving Challenge.

I am still looking for ideas, but I am not overly concerned about what “counts”. I want to think of others when I am doing my daily task it could be a card, collecting clothes to donate, giving of time, and anything else I can think of.

Today for my first day I am going to mail a card to a woman I know who is going to be having surgery later this week. Nothing major, but it is the little things that can mean a lot.

I hope to make a list of ideas so I am not trying to come up with something at the last minute and stressing about it. I would like to make this fun and enjoyable. Many times all of my “volunteering” is so stressful I don’t take the time to enjoy it.

Even if you don’t want to or think you can’t do this 30 Day Giving Challenge, take a few moments this month to Give Thanks an to help those who in some way are less fortunate than you.

November the "New" New Years

Wow - It’s November! October was a crazy month for me and it FLEW by, which makes me sad because October is my favorite month - and November means cold and snow on the way - ICK!

October started off with a “family” vacation to Myrtle Beach. My parents and I drove down, my brother, SIL, and neice came over for different parts of the week as work would allow for them. It was the first time in 10 years-ish that my mom, dad, brother, and I had been on vacation together. It was a good time overall but would have been better if Dave would have had been able to take off work and go with.

Then I had cabin camping with the Girl Scouts, starting the campaign trail for the Jaycees (I am running for Community Development VP for 2011), a fun evening with friends, and then more meetings on Sunday.

And then I prepared for the BIG event of the month. Stacy, Jackie, and I went to Charlotte, NC for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. This event was a year in the making - between training (which I didn’t do so well at) and raising the $1,800 that we EACH had to raise to be able to walk. The walk is UP TO 26.2 miles the 1st day and UP TO 13.1 miles the 2nd day. It was a WONDERFUL event and experience, and I would like to try do Chicago next year is I can find some people to go with me. I did 15.2 miles the 1st day and 13.1 on the 2nd day and was VERY happy with that!! The heat got to me, I don’t like heat or the sun and really didn’t train for that, but we live and learn!!

The week after the walk has been not so good. My feet got HUGE, between swelling and retaining water I was a mess, couldn’t fit in any of my shoes except my Crocs, and that was JUST barely! I had a head cold when I got back, and I normally don’t get sick! So I have been tired for a week, going to bed by 9:30 everynight, VERY unlike me! And to top it all off I got Pink Eye at the end of the week.

The last weekend of October didn’t really go as planned - Saturday started of in the Dr. office because of the Pink Eye, which then lead to the Pharmacy. Once I got home I didn’t really do much of anything that required energy - took a few naps - had a VERY lazy day! Then Sunday was the last stop on the campaign trail. WHEW - what a month!

Now I am looking at the schedule for the next two months and finishing out 2010. As always they are pretty busy with everything going on for the Holidays. I am trying to get in the mind set of this time of year is supposed to be FUN and I need to enjoy the things I am doing and living more for the moment. Many people I have talked to and blogs that I have read lately seem to be in the same mind set and are trying to gain more control back in their lives….it seems November 1st might be the new January 1st when it comes to “New Year Resolutions”.